Win the Race!
Crafted Websites and Graphics that Leave a Lasting Impression
Predict Your Pace, Win the Race! Embark on an 8km journey along an undulating (a nice way of saying "hilly") country gravel road, free from the distraction of watches, phones or any timing devices. Victory goes to the runner whose predicted time comes closes to their actual finish time, irrespective of when they cross the finish line. Yet, the real prize awaits at the end: indulge in freshly made Basset Ears, our World Famous Mad Trapper Brownies, and BEER!
Our Story
We are passionate web artisans, committed to creating visually stunning and functional websites that captivate audiences and elevate businesses to new heights.
Step 1: Show up at The Ark by 9:30 (map below)
Step 2: Register and collect your bib
Step 3: Write down your predicted 8km finish time on "the big board"
Step 4: Start running south on Farrellton Rd when I yell "GO" at 10am
Step 5: Curse me during the race because there are more hills than you anticipated
Step 6: Finish the race and collect a sticker with your finish time
Step 7: Add the sticker to "the big board" and do some math to learn your time differential
Step 8: Order your "Basset Ear" from Monique at the fryer. Add your toppings. Eat and enjoy
Step 9: Participate in a Rock-Paper-Scissors battle to win a pair of Atlas Snowshoes. Compete against me in the "1-2 Game" to win a random
Step 10: Drive home smiling after a morning well spent!